Concussion Policy
Roseburg Public Schools
Concussion Policy - Middle Schools
A concussion is a brain injury, and all brain injuries are serious. They are caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or by a blow to another part of the body with the force transmitted to the head. All concussions are serious and may result in complications including brain damage and death if not recognized and managed properly. In other words, even a “ding” or a bump to the head may be serious. You can’t see a concussion and most sports concussions occur without the loss of consciousness. Signs and symptoms of concussion may show up right after the injury or may take hours or days to fully appear.
Symptoms may include one or more of the following:
Pressure in the head
Neck pain
Balance problems or dizziness
Blurred, double, or fuzzy vision
Sensitivity to light or noise
Feeling sluggish or slowed down
Feeling foggy or groggy
Change in sleep patterns
“Don’t feel right
Fatigue or low energy
Nervousness or anxiety
More emotional
Concentration or memory problems (forgetting game plays)
Repeating the same question or comment
Signs observed by teammates, parents and coaches might include:
Appearing dazed
Vacant facial expressions
Confused about assignment
Forgetting plays
Is unsure of the game, score, or opponent
Moves clumsily or displays incoordination
Answers questions slowly
Slurred speech
Shows behavioral or personality changes
Can’t recall events prior to the hit
Can’t recall events after the hit
Seizure or convulsions
Any change in typical behavior or personality
Losing consciousness
Evaluation and Testing
Roseburg Public Schools utilize a neurocognitive assessment test called ImPACT (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) to assist in the evaluation process of post-concussion athletes. This test allows the healthcare providers to better assess a possibly concussed athlete and aids the healthcare providers in return to play decisions.
Athletes participating in contact sports (i.e. Football, Volleyball, Wrestling, and Basketball) will be required to take the ImPACT baseline test at the beginning of their season every other year starting in 7th grade.
Athy athlete suspected of suffering a concussion should be removed from the game or practice immediately. They should take the ImPACT test within 72 hours of suffering a possible concussion. No athlete may return to activity after an apparent head injury or concussion, regardless of how mild it seems or how quickly symptoms clear, without medical clearance.
Any athlete suspected of suffering a concussion will be required to be evaluated by a healthcare professional for a possible concussion diagnosis.
The Oregon Schools Activities Association rule which is mandated by Oregon State Law (OAR #581-022-0421-2/fA&B) says:
Any athlete who exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion following an observed or suspected blow to the head or body, or who has been diagnosed with a concussion, shall not be permitted to return to that contest, or any other athletic contest or practice on that same day. Until an athlete who has suffered a concussion is no longer experiencing post concussive symptoms, and a medical release form signed by an appropriate healthcare professional is obtained, the athlete shall not be permitted to return to athletic activity.
If the athlete is diagnosed with a concussion by a healthcare provider, the athlete will not be allowed to participate in PE, weight training, or physical activity of any kind. If the athlete is struggling with school work, special arrangements may be made until the athlete recovers.
Return to Play
Concussed athletes must meet all three of the following requirements before they are allowed to begin the return to play protocol.
Symptom free
ImPACT scores are within normal limits of their baseline test (If an athlete does not have an ImPACT baseline test, their score will be compared to group norms)
The athlete must obtain a medical release form signed by an appropriate healthcare professional and turn it in to their coach as well as the school’s athletic director.
As of July 1, 2020 ORS 336.490 requires athletes be cleared by one of these Oregon Qualified Healthcare Professionals: Medical Doctor (MD), Osteopathic Doctor (DO), Chiropractic Doctor (DC), Naturopathic Doctor (ND), Nurse Practitioner (NP), Physician Assistant (PA), Physical Therapist (PT), Occupational Therapist (OT), or Psychologist who is licensed or registered under the laws of Oregon. Before signing any RTP forms, except for MD and DO signers, course completion certificates from the Oregon Concussion Return to Play Education must be obtained by all DC, ND, PT and OT and, after July 1, 2021, by all NP, PA and Psychologists.
Once the athlete has met the previous requirements, they may begin the step-wise return to play protocol under the supervision of their coach or athletic director. A typical step-wise return to play may be as follows:
Day 1: Light exercise, including walking or riding an exercise bike. No weight lifting.
Day 2: Running in the gym or on the field. No helmet or other equipment.
Day 3: Non-contact training drills in full equipment. Weight-training can begin.
Day 4: Full contact practice or training
Day 5: Game play
NOTE: If symptoms return at any step during the return to play, the athlete should cease all physical activity and notify their physician. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the athletic director at your school.
For more information on concussions: